Promotes or can increase current milk supply.Boost both mom & baby immune system with the nutrients it’s packed with. Energy levels will increase & helps balance out hormones. Decreases menstrual cramps, bloating & abdominal pain. (That feeling that mimics contractions) Alleviates stress and helps with PPD that contributes to low milk production & so much more!!
Ingredients : Maca Root, Fennel Powder, Ginger Root, Milk Thistle, nettle leaf. *Fenugreek FREE*
-(As a first time mom with thyroid problems I wasn’t aware that “Fenugreek” wasn’t allowed to be consumed. It decreased my supply.) This is why I created a simple but yet powerful pill to help with supply & health of baby and mom.
•Each Jumbo pack contains 14 Pills (Take 2 daily preferably one in the morning & one in the afternoon or can take both at one time with a food item that boost milk supply) Ex. oatmeal or meal high in protein.• These pills will be slightly bigger and work faster
Each Small Pack Contains 24 pills and this will be smaller. Two equals a jumbo one.
•Alternate way to take pill is by opening the pill and pouring powder in oatmeal/food or smoothies.